PEDAL Consumption never ceases to amaze me with the crazy photos they post. I spotted this picture a few days ago and it literally blew my mind. Gnarly track stand bro.
I just got my room set up and my bike is happily hanging from the ceiling between classes. Back to school, back to school, got my lunch packed up and my boots tied tight, I hope I don't get in a fight.
This collaboration between Mamafaka x DNSNP x Volcom is unbelievable! The colors just blow my mind and I would probably kill a man to have this as a six foot tall poster hanging in my room.
A purple HED 3 on a Vigorelli would be pretty rad too.
Barry McGee is an unbelievable artist, I love his style and the faces he comes up with are awesome. The first time I heard of him was when the RVCA x Cinelli Super Corsa was released (Which is one of my favorite frames of all time, I might add). I think this bad boy would look nice on a Super Corsa; it even matches the headbadge...
Although I am not sure how recent this exhibit is, I just spotted it on velospace and this dude is sick! I love different frames, and the matching canvases are spectacular. For more pics check out MASHKulture.
I have never heard of him before but Matt W. Moore has some ill work. Check out more on his site MWM Graphics
If I ever get a tourer and have enough money left over for a brooks saddle, one of these bad boys won't be far behind. What a wonderful invention! I like it even better than the Surly Tugnut (bottle opening chain tensioner)
For me, this video made fixed gear freestyle at least ten times more impressive. There is finally some bmx flow starting to show up in fg riding. The 180 to 360 keo off the box is just so ridiculous, love the music too.
This beautiful seat-stay/down-tube shot is of an all black BMC Impec. I definitely have a soft spot for raw carbon fiber. It all started with my first obsession, the japanese automobile. As for the Impec I could not imagine a more awesome machine. Although I am a huge proponent of all black frames, I definitely like this red and black one much better.
Everything I love bundled into a nice package by the name of Crank It. Filled with bikes, art, skateboarding, fashion and everything in between.
Let's go for a ride!