
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Los Angelopes

~*LOS ANGELOPES*~ Official Trailer from Richie Thomassen on Vimeo.
Spotted on Flwrider

As I was scrolling through my Reader today, I came across this gem entitled "Los Angelopes". I'm so stoked on this trailer for so many reasons. It really captures, what I feel, riding a bike is all about. Ride what you want how you want and the only rule: Have a blast doing it. Another reason I love this video is TALL BIKES! I freaking love tall bikes and would kill for one of my own. The background music is awesome, I just watched this ten times. I'm definitely going to try to get a hold of the entire film once BFF has come to a close.  Check out Ritchie Thomassen's Vimeo for more killer videos.