
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Chalfont PA to Stockton NJ and Beyond





Today a really good friend and I road from Chalfont, through New Hope and then along the Delaware River to good ole' Stockton NJ.  The trip was a little over 44 miles and every second was awesome (except for the 10 minutes when I had a flat in the middle of nowhere with no spare tube).  New Hope is a really nice area to ride through and along the river is absolutely beautiful; the photos don't do it a bit of justice.  It never ceases to amaze me how friendly people can be.  We were stuck in the middle of the woods with a flat and a dad riding with three little kids, gave me a spare tube and basically put it on for me with not so much as a second thought.  Definitely going to be carrying spares on long rides from now on.  The ride was a blast and I cannot wait for more to come.  On a side note, I had the best Falafel ever for lunch at a great, hole in the wall middle eastern restaurant.