Although there are plenty of Instagram haters, I can personally say, I am a fan. It's a great way to snap cool shots on a whim, without carrying around cumbersome camera equipment. If you don't already have one, get one and if you do, follow me as tinj_. If you have some cool shots maybe I'll follow you back.
So I first heard about these guys over on Prolly is not Probably when he visited Affinity NYC (the first photo is from Prolly; one of my favorite shots as of late) and I was blown away by their aluminum track frames oozing with carbon fiber. After doing a little more research I discovered an array of aluminum, steel and carbon track frames, that are each beautiful in their own respect, made from the highest quality materials (Columbus Brain, Columbus Airplane 7005-T6, etc.). I couldn't find where the frames are actually manufactured but DOSNOVENTA is based out of Barcelona, Spain and was founded in 2010. They also have a pretty rad collection of random photos on their tumblr worthy of a quick scroll.
I don't know about you guys but I would kill for that pink Houston, or any off their frames for that matter. I need to rob a bank, or get a job. On that note I will leave you with a bit of Balance and Composure.
The last ride at home is always a bitter sweet one. The scenery in Bucks County never ceases to amaze me and nothing beats empty back roads with sunny skies. I feel like every time I ride at home, I am discovering new roads and interesting new spots. Today I found a boldly painted, drive-in dry cleaner, a classic covered bridge, The Delaware River and a picturesque lavender farm by a lake. Now back to Centre County; to State College and beyond!
I have also decided to start including a song in most of my posts from now on. It will either be something that I am into at the time, something that relates to the post or just something to jam to. Cheers!
I'm going to start this one off by saying, how did I miss the first two? This "edit" is so killer, the sound track is awesome and the video pretty much embodies everything I like about riding a fixed gear bicycle. Getting out there and having a good time while going fast and doing your thing. For me, it's what riding a bike is all about. It's absolutely worth taking five minutes out of your day to give this video a good watching and who knows, maybe you'll even want to watch it again (I did).
On a side note, anyone who uses a fixed gear bicycle for a little more than commuting should absolutely give clipless pedals a try. They're a blast.
Everything I love bundled into a nice package by the name of Crank It. Filled with bikes, art, skateboarding, fashion and everything in between.
Let's go for a ride!