Is it weird that I spend more time on Pedalroom and Velospace than I do checking emails and looking at facebook? Maybe, but when I'm not out riding my own hunk of metal, drooling over bikes on the internet is just unavoidable; before I even know what's happening I'm typing p-e-d-a-l-r... into the URL bar. Most recently I came across velopsace member and fellow blogger, Hrrundel's unbelievable collection of pristine track bikes. Specifically these three Colnagos really stuck out to me, the Molteni is just awesome and the geometry of the pista TT is back breaking. Keep up with Hrrundel on his wordpress and check out a treasure trove of rad photos on his Flickr.
Honestly one of the most unbelievable collections of mint and restored pistas I have ever seen.