
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Dominik Raab: Vienna 2011

Dominik Raab - Vienna 2011 from UMF Bikes on Vimeo.
Spotted on The Rise

Let me preface this post by saying that I know little to nothing about mountain or trials biking.
With that being said I think every aspect of cycling is awesome in it's own respect and I try to stay at least somewhat informed about all styles. The first time I watched this video I was floored. No matter what part of the sport you participate in, whether it be bmx, velodrome, road, tri, etc., you have to admire this dude's bike control.  Every single trick is so solid AND he makes it look easy.  The stair part starting at 1:23 is so huge, I don't even understand.  Plus the accordion guy at the end is awesome.  I highly recommend putting this in HD and giving it a thorough watch.