
Friday, December 16, 2011

Landlords Cycling Swag


A few weeks back when I was at the Philadelphia Bike Expo, I happened upon a table covered in sweet Colnago/Merkx sticker recreations and an eclectic group of track bikes and components, including a radical Pogliaghi Pista rusted to perfection (later featured on Prolly Is Not Probably).  Another of the old pistas that they had with them was adorned with an awesome Cinelli style "Philly" sticker on the downtube.  I contacted the guys of Landlords and a few weeks later, here I am with some swag of my own.  Thanks again dudes, the stickers are already being put to good use!

Although I am still not exactly sure what the Landlords Cycling Club is all about, I feel like the first edition of their Videozine gives you a pretty good idea. Keep up with the Landlords crew on their blog loaded with more crazy content.