
Monday, December 26, 2011

The Goblin


The weather was tolerable and I was feeling a bit sluggish after the mass food consumption yesterday so I decided to take a nice long ride today.  The loop I took had so many freaking hills I thought I was going to die (where gears could come in handy).  Anyway I snapped a few pictures of the whip and my new Profile Design Aquarack and Mash SF water bottles by Specialized which are awesome!  I can't believe temperatures have stayed in the mid forties this long, the weather has been awesome!  Global warming at it's finest.  I hope everyone had a relaxing holiday.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Dominik Raab: Vienna 2011

Dominik Raab - Vienna 2011 from UMF Bikes on Vimeo.
Spotted on The Rise

Let me preface this post by saying that I know little to nothing about mountain or trials biking.
With that being said I think every aspect of cycling is awesome in it's own respect and I try to stay at least somewhat informed about all styles. The first time I watched this video I was floored. No matter what part of the sport you participate in, whether it be bmx, velodrome, road, tri, etc., you have to admire this dude's bike control.  Every single trick is so solid AND he makes it look easy.  The stair part starting at 1:23 is so huge, I don't even understand.  Plus the accordion guy at the end is awesome.  I highly recommend putting this in HD and giving it a thorough watch.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Horn Bike Case by Bone Collection

Spotted on Freshness

Although it might not be the most aesthetically pleasing case ever or even the most efficient, it is definitely an interesting idea.  Working similarly to that of an old phonograph the Horn Bike Case, by Bone Collection, is meant to more clearly project, and amplify, whatever is coming out of your iPhone speakers.  According to their website,  the horn can increase phone volume up to 13 decibels without any type of power source.  The Horn Bike is a safer alternative to headphones while riding, allowing the rider to more clearly hear surrounding traffic and pedestrians.

Plus it looks like aliens made it.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

It's Funny Because It's True

Spotted this gem on Backyard Blam a few days back and I must say, it is a winner. If you have ever been pulled over on a bicycle by an officer in a car (which I have), it is much easier to relate. If you haven't, watch it anyway because it's FUNNY.

For more fine work from Kyle Kinane you can check out his tumblr

Friday, December 16, 2011

Landlords Cycling Swag


A few weeks back when I was at the Philadelphia Bike Expo, I happened upon a table covered in sweet Colnago/Merkx sticker recreations and an eclectic group of track bikes and components, including a radical Pogliaghi Pista rusted to perfection (later featured on Prolly Is Not Probably).  Another of the old pistas that they had with them was adorned with an awesome Cinelli style "Philly" sticker on the downtube.  I contacted the guys of Landlords and a few weeks later, here I am with some swag of my own.  Thanks again dudes, the stickers are already being put to good use!

Although I am still not exactly sure what the Landlords Cycling Club is all about, I feel like the first edition of their Videozine gives you a pretty good idea. Keep up with the Landlords crew on their blog loaded with more crazy content.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Colnago Dreams


Is it weird that I spend more time on Pedalroom and Velospace than I do checking emails and looking at facebook?  Maybe, but when I'm not out riding my own hunk of metal, drooling over bikes on the internet is just unavoidable; before I even know what's happening I'm typing p-e-d-a-l-r... into the URL bar.  Most recently I came across velopsace member and fellow blogger, Hrrundel's unbelievable collection of pristine track bikes.  Specifically these three Colnagos really stuck out to me, the Molteni is just awesome and the geometry of the pista TT is back breaking.  Keep up with Hrrundel on his wordpress and check out a treasure trove of rad photos on his Flickr.

Honestly one of the most unbelievable collections of mint and restored pistas I have ever seen.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

1983 Raleigh Lightweight Series Catalogue


This time of year is always the worst, balancing life and obscene amounts of school work means not so much time for Crank It.  But anyway I"M BACK and I was digging through a stack of papers in my basement over Thanksgiving break and came across this rad 1983 Raleigh Lightweight Series Catalogue that came with my dad's 1983 Raleigh Olympian.  I was looking through the catalogue and it is really awesome to see how some of the older parts and frames are still in such high demand.  The special order 753 with aero breaks, Of Mega crankset and campy deraileurs is simply out of control.  Only 100 of these bad boys made in '83  Steel is real!

If you have any specific questions about anything in the catalogue feel free to email me.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Life Behind a Lens: Tom Spellman Outlook 2011


Music festivals are honestly one of my favorite places to be.  The atmosphere is always awesome, the people are great, all of your favorite artist are playing in one place and most importantly they're outside.  Basically an explosion of ridiculously raging outdoor music.  I was scrolling through my blog-roll today and came across these epic pictures of Outlook 2011 which is held in Croatia.  From what I have gathered Outlook is an unbelievable four day festival held in Pula, Croatia in the beginning of September.  These are a few of my favorite shots but if you are yearning for more check out Better Never Than Late.

If you are interested, the program from the festival is pretty cool and I definitely recommend checking it out.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Fall Back


For the past couple of days the weather in state college has been absolutely beautiful, the temperature is prefect, the leaves are all changing and there is not a cloud in the sky.  Recently I have been able to explore a bit more of the area around State College.  It's mostly farm land but honestly it never gets old, it's just so therapeutic.  Fall has always been my favorite season so get out there and ride before it starts snowing and we're all stuck pedaling in place.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Deaf Pigeon Preview

Deaf Pigeon Edit Coming Soon from Danny Cameron on Vimeo.

I spotted this video entitled "Coming Soon" a few days ago on UK's own Deaf Pidgeon blog. I'm definitely stoked for the final cut, there are a bunch of really awesome shots and the soundtrack fits in flawlessly. It's honestly just a fun video with a lot of great riding, plus it's fall and who doesn't like fall (more on that at a later date). Also, deaf Pigeon has a rad logo and a real cool site, check it out!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The 2011 Philly Bike Expo


This past weekend I decided it was in my best interest to brave the blizzard and make the trek home to attend the Philadelphia Bike Expo and man did it pay off. The 23rd Street Armory is an awesome venue with plenty of room and a really cool atmosphere. There were tons of vendors and the cream of the crop when it comes to north eastern frame builders. Some of my personal favorites included Peter Mooney, Royal H and of course Icarus and Bishop. Also noteworthy was Holland Cycles, I talked to a rep for a bit and the material they make their frames out of is so high-tech and beautiful that I couldn't help but drool (a mind blowing combination of Titanium and Carbon Fiber).  Unfortunately my camera is terrible and I didn't get too many pictures. There was also an outdoor section where cyclists were selling their own hodge-podge of parts or in some cases, just showing off their RIDICULOUS collection of vintage bicycles. I had the opportunity to have a short conversation with the man himself, Mr. Jon "Prolly" Watson, which I might add was pretty cool. I hope everyone that attended had as much fun as I did and I hope to see you next year (hopefully I'll have a real camera by then)!

I will also be adding a few more photos to my Flickr over the next few days if you are interested.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Massan x Macaframa Raw

Massan x Macaframa Raw from MACAFRAMA on Vimeo.

I'm pretty stoked on this video to say the least. Massan (I think he deleted his blog) has always been one of my favorite riders and the video has such a good vibe. There is nothing like smashing down a curvy mountain road, burning every mm of rubber off of that fifty dollar tire you just bought. In all seriousness though, this video definitely captures all the best parts of riding a fixed gear. Ever since FGFS came crashing into the scene, laid back videos of plain old riding and having fun just aren't as common and I'm glad to see the guys at Macaframa still got it! Smash on Mashers.

Friday, October 7, 2011

FNG Presents L'Eroica 2011

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

 I'm no expert when it comes to Italian and Google translate can only get you so far, but as they say a picture (or a whole slew of them) is worth 1000 words.  I spotted this awesome photoset on FRESHNGOOD's website of the 2011 retro cycling L'Eroica event.  From what I have gathered L'Eroica is a retro themed bike race that follows an unbelievable route through the Tuscany countryside (who wouldn't want to do that?). Above I picked out a few of my favorites and you can check out more on FNG's website linked above. Crediamo in te bici!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

P-Fix: I Would Buy One

I Would Buy One from John Prolly on Vimeo.
Spotted on Prolly Is Not Probably

Although I am not usually one for FGFS, there are definitely a few videos here and there that I can really get into.  "I Would Buy One" from John over at Prolly Is Not Probably is definitely one of those edits.  The soundtrack is GREAT (Rick Ross sucks but he makes it work and Black Sabbath well, they just rage) and there is such a perfect mix of 20", 26" and 29" wheeled bikes that its hard not to stay interested.  With a solid foundation in photography I would say his videography skills are definitely getting there (love the skid shot in the beginning).  By the way Tony Fast SHREDS.

"I don't own a P-Fix but I think it's a very good bicycle.  I would buy one if I had the money and jump into the river all the days; P-Fix by specialized" epic.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ebay Dreams: NOS TI Shamal Wheelset

Definitely a little pricey but an awesome eBay find none the less.  Besides maybe a high-tech pair of Madfibers or maybe some 1080's, this is honestly the best looking wheelset to date (THE best if we are talking metal).  I have always loved the old Shamals, the 12 spoke front and 16 spoke rear lacing, the beautifully polished sidewalls and of course those stunning low flange hubs.  NOS and Titanium, man am I drooling right now. Cop this pair right

I would kill a man for this wheelset, but really. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Random Ride


I was feeling rather ambitious when I woke up this morning and decided to bring my digital camera along for the ride. It wasn't a long ride by any means, but definitely relaxing. For the first part of the fall semester and the latter part of the spring semester riding around rural State College is absolutely Beautiful. I snapped a few shots as I rode around one of my normal routes and here are a few I liked. If you were ever looking for an infinite number of outrageous climbs followed by even more outrageous hill bombing, State College is definitely a good place to be.

I am also in the process of getting a Flickr up and running, so feel free to have a look! Expect more photos in the future.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Kid Zoom

KID ZOOM process from KINGBROWN Magazine on Vimeo.
Spotted on King Brown Mag

Ever since I was a young lad, the art of graffiti has always intrigued me. How is it that someone can make lines so sharp and images so detailed with a can of spray paint? Constantly I am stumbling upon new artists, Kid Zoom aka Ian Strange being the most recent. Spreading himself between buildings, canvas, installation and even road kill, it is easy to see his unbelievable talent. I highly recommend checking out his website. The blog is only updated once every month or two but when something new pops up it never disappoints. After filing through the pictures I wish I could have visited his "This City Will Eat Me Alive" exhibition a while back; some of his pieces just blow my mind. I'll definitely be on the look out for future exhibitions and you should too.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Tommasini Strada "The Drooler"

Spotted on CycleEXIF

I am a HUGE fan of vibrant colors and an even bigger fan of steel bicycles so when I laid eyes on this beautiful Tammasini Strada built by, the ever impressive, Shifter Bikes in Melbourne Australia, I pretty much died and went to heaven. The color combo on this thing is breath taking and all the black Campy Super Record components are just icing on the cake.  Everytime I look through the original pictures on Fame & Spear's Flickr I notice something new; beautifully stamped lugs, internal cable routing, the blindingly awesome paint job, the list goes on.  I could honestly ramble about this bike for pages.  A man can dream can't he?

For more awesome pictures of Shifter Bikes' UNBELIEVABLE shop check out Prolly's coverage.  I need a road bike badly.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Jean Pool

In recent months it has been no secret that Levi's has jumped headfirst into the cycling world. Between collaborations with Prolly is not Probably, the release of an entire "commuter" collection and this...amusing bicycle.  It has definitely been an interesting process to follow and I most of their additions to the community are very good ones.  Really what inspired this post is the "Go Fourth" advertising campaign seen above.  For some reason the words and actions in this commercial really stuck with me.

The new Levi's commuter pant is so rad; with a U-lock holster, WATERPROOF technology and a few other nifty features these puppies were made for everyone who rides their bike on a daily basis. They are absolutely perfect for someone (like myself) looking for a solid pair of pants made to take on the wear and tear of cycling and don't cost $188 a pair.

Back to school

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bar Ends

Photobucket I just came home to a shiny new pair of Mash bar ends and I am so stoked! They are such an upgrade from the broken plastic ones I've been using for the last couple months. It might not look like a huge upgrade but man are they nice. Too bad it's a torrential downpour outside. You can cop your own here.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Peaceful Destruction

Although I would never considered myself to be a serious artist I can always find satisfaction in doing a bit of drawing, painting or building now and then.  I haven't had much to speak of in the cycling world or otherwise so I thought I would share my latest sketch of a bouquet growing out of a hand grenade.  I made a stencil very similar to this a while back and wanted to draw it more realistically; this is what I came up with.  It's not completely finished but you get the idea.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The 5th Floor

The 5th Floor - High Speed Promo Banner from The5thFloor on Vimeo.

Ever since Rudy Melo and the rest of The 5th Floor folks joined the blogosphere I have been sure to keep up with all that is 5th Floor.  It is definitely one of the best fixed gear specific blogs out there and it's constantly progressing and growing.  The way things are going I'm definitely expecting big things from them in the future but for now check out this awesome high speed banner they just put up on their site.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Nigel Sylvester: New Era x Animal Commercial

Although I don't know a great deal about the BMX scene, I do know that Nigel Sylvester's flow is undeniable.  Every time I see a new clip from this guy it makes me want to pick up my old bmx bike and go for a ride.  This Commercial for Sylvester's forthcoming New Era x Animal cap and seat is so well put together, I love how he is talking about the foundation that BMX was built on, the time and pain put in and then, "There is no better feeling than this..." BAM CurT@!N$ comes in with Maniac off of his Killer Tape - Tagless EP and Sylvester kills it.  If you can appreciate his buttery style I highly recommend watching his Gatorade Go All Day flicks.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Emergence of Bike Polo

Photo By Akira Suwa, Philadelphia Inquirer Staff

Yesterday I picked up the Philadelphia Inquirer and found myself staring at an article on the front page featuring the ever growing sport of bike polo.  I think the author did a pretty good job of showcasing the sport and giving readers an idea of where bike polo is now and where the sport is going.  I honestly had no idea that corporate America (Fuze Beverage which is now part of Coca-Cola) was so closely involved.  The part about the "best player in Philadelphia" and the "bad boy" are pretty comical but overall it was a decent read and an awesome way to introduce the sport to a much broader audience.

Read full article here

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

BodaBoda Bombs Broadway

BodaBoda always has the most killer videos, tearing through the city hanging on for dear life. I spotted this gem today on their site of the "Broadway Bombing 2011" that took place on July 4th. I highly recommend checking out the rest of their videos on vimeo (the one with the tall-bike is so legit). I would definitely like to see Crihs' helmet cam footage from the race. Events like this make me wish I lived somewhere where goodhearted, unsanctioned races are held on a regular basis.

Friday, July 8, 2011

You Know You Live In A Suburb/Beach Town When...


You know you live in a suburb/beach town when writing citations for cyclists is the highlight of your police day.  "OH NO, I went through two stop signs without coming to a complete stop on a street where the speed limit is 15 mph".  The cop tried to convince me my life was in danger, let's be real for a second here; go find a car going 5 over or parking meter that is expired.  Sheesh, second and final warning I guess.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Friendly Neighborhood Graff Mobile


It might not be inconspicuous but it sure is cool! This street ready graffiti mobile is stocked with everything a graffiti artist could ever want (paint, tips, markers, extinguishers, a stereo, even masks, lights, climbing rope and extension chords).  i wouldn't mind seeing this bad boy in action. Spotted on 12ozProphet posted by world renown auther and graffiti writer Bates; which by the way is an awesome site for keeping up with the goings on in the urban art community. I definitely recommend checking it out. For more photos of the graffiti mobile click HERE. In the mean time go outside and enjoy the summer!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th Everyone


Chuck Norris Loves Amrca and so should you!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Splitting Lanes, Santurce

Splitting Lanes, Santurce from Manuel Vélez on Vimeo.
Spotted On PEDAL Consumption

This, right here, is the kind of fixed gear video that I live for.  Awesome tunes, crazy riding and just an all around good feel.  A bunch of friends riding hard, feeding off of each other, having a blast.  Although the cars didn't seem to be going too fast I can't believe they were riding on the highway; insane.  I love when the one dude spreads his arms out at 1:36, it feels so good to ride like that for a few seconds.  The guys from Puerto Rico Fixed did an outstanding job on this and I can't wait for the next video in the series.

Here is a little blurb about the video:

"This is the first of series of rides around Puerto Rico in extreme situations to claim space. In this case it's Highway Baldorioty de Castro in San Juan. In an city without bike lanes, we make our own."

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Chalfont PA to Stockton NJ and Beyond





Today a really good friend and I road from Chalfont, through New Hope and then along the Delaware River to good ole' Stockton NJ.  The trip was a little over 44 miles and every second was awesome (except for the 10 minutes when I had a flat in the middle of nowhere with no spare tube).  New Hope is a really nice area to ride through and along the river is absolutely beautiful; the photos don't do it a bit of justice.  It never ceases to amaze me how friendly people can be.  We were stuck in the middle of the woods with a flat and a dad riding with three little kids, gave me a spare tube and basically put it on for me with not so much as a second thought.  Definitely going to be carrying spares on long rides from now on.  The ride was a blast and I cannot wait for more to come.  On a side note, I had the best Falafel ever for lunch at a great, hole in the wall middle eastern restaurant.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Walk In The Woods


Yesterday after a solid 30 mile ride I cooled off by going for a stroll through the woods, I took my camera with me and snapped a few close-up shots that I thought were pretty cool.  A nice camera is one of those things I would love to have but could never afford, I would just as soon spend the money on bike part. Anyway I hope you enjoy the pictures!

Also planning a ride from Doylestown to Philadelphia so look for that in the future fo sho.